Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What are we going to do with your information?

Your email address to send you an email confirmation of your purchase.

When you visit our site, we automatically record the IP address you use to access our site. We can learn about your browser and operating system by collecting this information.

If you accept to receive email messages to let you know about the latest products and services, as well as our store or any other relevant information.

Section 2: Consent

What\’s the best method to obtain my consent?

If you supply us with your personal details to make a payment, verify your card number, conduct an online transaction or order delivery, return or exchange of products, you imply that you consent to its use and use only to fulfill the purposes that you have provided it for.

We\’ll ask for your permission to use HTML0 or give you the choice to say no if it isn\’t for commercial purposes.

Section 3: Disclosure

When we must disclose the information you provide us with pursuant to law or when you break our conditions of service.

Section 4. SECTION 4

Third-party service providers that employ us will typically only keep, collect and use your personal information to the extent needed to supply the services to us.

Third-party service providers (such as payment processors/payment gateways) might have privacy policies regarding the information they need from us so they can complete your payment.

It is recommended to read the privacy policy of each service provider to ensure that you are aware of what they will do with your personal information.

You should be aware that some providers operate offices or facilities in jurisdictions that are different from us or you. Your personal information will most likely fall within the jurisdictional laws where the provider\’s facility or has their facility.


We protect your private information with all the care we are able to.

The information you provide us is encoded with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and AES-256. Even though there are no 100-percent encrypted methods for transmission and storage still adhere to industry standards.


You declare when you use this Website that you are in compliance with the minimum age requirements of your residence state or province, or you meet these age minimums and you consent to allow any minors you support to use this Site.